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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost?

Prices vary depending on several factors: number of employees, length of visit, number of puppers requested, type of environment. We will work with you to make sure you get the most value from your decision to choose The Wellness Dogs.

What comes with the fee?

The satisfaction that you are providing a unique outlet for your employees to destress and enjoy a break from the daily grind. As an added touch our teams are equipped with Polaroid cameras. This not only gives each of your team members their own personal keepsake from the encounter but maintains office privacy as well. Also, a portion of the fees will be donated to one of the local AKC Therapy Dog Organizations.

Is it safe?

Absolutely. Our teams are evaluated by one of the national AKC Therapy Dog Organizations. Our teams are insured up to $2m in liability coverage. All of our puppers (and handlers) are bathed within 24hr of their visit and have current vaccinations and yearly health screenings.

What if someone on my team doesn't like dogs, or is allergic?

No problem. When we do our initial site visit we can determine the best environment to make sure everyone is comfortable with the process. 

Do you only work with corporations?

No. We work with companies large and small. We are available for all kinds of company-related events. Whether it be a corporate booth at a trade show to increase traffic and destress your visitors, a company marketing campaign, or a fundraiser; we have you covered.

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these canines from providing their care?

No. Unfortunately, The Wellness Dogs are just like us. Some are fearful of inclement weather, some have hard days, and even our handlers fall ill every now and then. We will keep you fully aware of any inability to make our scheduled dates. (Thunderstorms being the most likely cause of postponing.)








Nashville, TN
T / 615-387-9466


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